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Conn's Corner

Fibre arts take a lot of tools... and luckily I have a wood artist to help with this!  Here are some of the tools that Conn Rosendubh has made for me to help with my work.

Madder spoon

My floor loom didn't have a raddle. Saved me a lot time and money having one made in Conn's workshop

Flax Break

The combs Conn made me to comb wool also work as hackles for flax processing.  I start with one and then put two together. It's rough, but it works. Also, they'll be good weapons in the coming zombie apocalypse.

Conn has been hand carving spoons for sometime. Some of them don't turn out and I get to use them in my dye pots!

Wool comb

Could not have processed my flax without a flax break.  It took a few tweaks, but it works quite well!

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